Wednesday 12 June 2013

Another Hobby of Mine

Besides my love for baking I also love to cook. This meal is one of my favourites I have ever made, it is pasta with homemade meat sauce and homemade garlic bread. With the help of my grandpa I was able to make this meal! It was delicious! 


I have a really great group of friends. We do everything together and we always have a good time. I have not been friends with these girls for very long only about a year and a half but I know I have made life long friendships with them! I hope that they can continue throughout university and I hope our senior year is great as a result of this close group of friends. We have many trips, and events planned and I am excited for the future! 

Volleyball Nationals

I played volleyball for a club team for two years and I met so many amazing people from traveling and being involved in many tournaments across the province as well as in other provinces. I have made many friends throughout the province but one team sticks out the most to me. It is the team Air Attack and they play out of British Columbia. I met them in the 2011 National volleyball tournament as they were staying in the same hotel as my team. We watched each others games daily and became great friends. I still chat with some of the team and I hope to see them soon! I miss volleyball terribly and everyday I wish I never had quit. 

Taylor Swift

Next Saturday I am going to the Taylor Swift concert with my best friends! I am so excited to see Taylor Swift live as she is one of my favourite artists. I'm sure it will be an amazing concert and I am excited to see Ed Sheeran as well! 

Shoe Recommendation

So I have recently found a great pair of shoes! They are immensely comfortably and also stylish which is great. They are wedges, they also sell many other styles but I love the wedges. Many women find that when they buy new wedges they tend to cut your feet up which no one likes and it is super painful! This brand of shoes is Toms which is a great brand and I had no blistering or cuts on my feet after I wore them for hours! I highly recommend these shoes and you can find them any place that sells Toms.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

The Voice

I am a huge fan of country music and I am also a huge fan of the show 'The Voice'. This season there has been a duo that has impacted the show greatly they are the Swon Brothers. I fell in love with these musicians in the blind auditions and I knew they were going to be great. Their voices are amazing and they seem so down to earth which I believe people really admire. I buy there songs on iTunes  after every performance shows, and I'm really hoping they win. Even if they do not win I will be looking forward to whatever is next for the Swon Brothers. They have stole the hearts of many, including me! Vote for the Swon Brothers! 

Summer Goal

I have a goal for this summer to volunteer  in a nursing home. I want to be able to give back to the community and especially the elderly community. I believe volunteering with the elderly is extremely important as they have given so much to our community previously and now they are the ones who need aid or even just a smile. I have a special space in my heart for the elderly people that I know and I believe that this is a great way to give back. Also the area of nursing I would like to go into is geriatric nursing so also by volunteering I am able to get a feel for me future career!