Wednesday 12 June 2013

Another Hobby of Mine

Besides my love for baking I also love to cook. This meal is one of my favourites I have ever made, it is pasta with homemade meat sauce and homemade garlic bread. With the help of my grandpa I was able to make this meal! It was delicious! 


I have a really great group of friends. We do everything together and we always have a good time. I have not been friends with these girls for very long only about a year and a half but I know I have made life long friendships with them! I hope that they can continue throughout university and I hope our senior year is great as a result of this close group of friends. We have many trips, and events planned and I am excited for the future! 

Volleyball Nationals

I played volleyball for a club team for two years and I met so many amazing people from traveling and being involved in many tournaments across the province as well as in other provinces. I have made many friends throughout the province but one team sticks out the most to me. It is the team Air Attack and they play out of British Columbia. I met them in the 2011 National volleyball tournament as they were staying in the same hotel as my team. We watched each others games daily and became great friends. I still chat with some of the team and I hope to see them soon! I miss volleyball terribly and everyday I wish I never had quit. 

Taylor Swift

Next Saturday I am going to the Taylor Swift concert with my best friends! I am so excited to see Taylor Swift live as she is one of my favourite artists. I'm sure it will be an amazing concert and I am excited to see Ed Sheeran as well! 

Shoe Recommendation

So I have recently found a great pair of shoes! They are immensely comfortably and also stylish which is great. They are wedges, they also sell many other styles but I love the wedges. Many women find that when they buy new wedges they tend to cut your feet up which no one likes and it is super painful! This brand of shoes is Toms which is a great brand and I had no blistering or cuts on my feet after I wore them for hours! I highly recommend these shoes and you can find them any place that sells Toms.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

The Voice

I am a huge fan of country music and I am also a huge fan of the show 'The Voice'. This season there has been a duo that has impacted the show greatly they are the Swon Brothers. I fell in love with these musicians in the blind auditions and I knew they were going to be great. Their voices are amazing and they seem so down to earth which I believe people really admire. I buy there songs on iTunes  after every performance shows, and I'm really hoping they win. Even if they do not win I will be looking forward to whatever is next for the Swon Brothers. They have stole the hearts of many, including me! Vote for the Swon Brothers! 

Summer Goal

I have a goal for this summer to volunteer  in a nursing home. I want to be able to give back to the community and especially the elderly community. I believe volunteering with the elderly is extremely important as they have given so much to our community previously and now they are the ones who need aid or even just a smile. I have a special space in my heart for the elderly people that I know and I believe that this is a great way to give back. Also the area of nursing I would like to go into is geriatric nursing so also by volunteering I am able to get a feel for me future career! 

Nursing Quote #6

Nursing Quote #5

"Panic plays no part in the training of a nurse" - Elizabeth Kenny 

Nursing Quote #4

"Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon." - Dag Hammarskjold

Nursing Quote #3

"As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. The may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

Nurse Qualities

I was looking into what qualities people must have in order to become an amazing nurse. I hope to posses some or all of these qualities because I really want to be able to be a great nurse. After reading this list I believe I possess these qualities. I hope I continue to have the drive that I do at the moment so I can continue my dream of becoming a nurse. Here is the list of qualities.

1.Communication Skills
2. Detail Oriented
3. Competent 
4. Committed 
5. Passionate 
6. Intuitive 
7. Compassionate
8. Flexible Calm 
9. Team Player
10. Efficient  

Top 10 Summer Songs

Since the summer season is fast approaching I thought I would share with you my favourite songs for summer. 

1. Boys Round Here-Blake Sheldon
2. Beat This Summer-Brad Paisley
3.Ticks-Brad Paisley 
4. Wagon Wheel-Darius Rucker
5. Blame It On Your Truck - Kerria Isabella 
6. Blurred Lines- Robin Thicke
7. 22-Taylor Swift
8. See You Again-Carrie Underwood
9. Downtown- Lady Antebellum 
10. Toes - Zac Brown Band

Completing an Item

I am about to complete an item on my bucket list next week! So that will make 3 that I have checked off! The one I'm checking off is start doing yoga! I'm starting Tuesday after my last exam. I am so excited not only to start but to be accomplishing an item on my list! Just thought I'd share it with the people reading my blog! 

My Favourite Time of Year

Although, we are just getting into the season of summer, I thought it would share with you my favourite season. I love the winter time because it has my favourite holiday, Christmas, and I love to ski. Also I am odd but I love winter driving it is kind of exciting to me! This is why it is my favourite season.  


This is what I did this weekend! I made red velvet cupcakes for my family and friends. This is one of my favorite hobbies! 

My Fear

I have a fear of giving blood, and although I want to give blood because it is such a great gift I can't get over my fear. Ever since I was little I've had a fear of blood and I am getting better with it I'm afraid something will go wrong and it won't be a good experience. This is one of the items on my bucket list and I hope before I die I will be able to check this off list. This is one of the items that could also check off save a life. I have a goal set that I will donate blood before I turn 20! So I still have a few years! 

Grad Excitement

As the end of the year is fast approaching I am growing more and more excited by the day for my senior year. I have started to sign up for things such as grad committee so I can be involved in my senior year! We have bought our senior shirts so were all set up for the first day. Although it is scary, I am excited to see what this year will brig for me and the new challenges I face. I am ready to graduate (or so I think now) I will find out later next year I guess. But I know I will go I to nursing, And that I will stay here for university. I look forward to starting my senior year, it should be the best year yet, or so I hope. 

Thinking Back

  Wow, this class is already done, it feels like just yesterday we were just starting it. Anyhow, my favourite project throughout the year was the final project, the Buried Life project. It was my favourite because this was the most creative I got throughout the entire year, and I thought this is would be the project I remember and look back to after this course. My least favourite project was the six word memoirs, that was a daunting project and it was really tough for me to accomplish it. I found a lot of challenges with finding pictures to match the six words I chose. This is why it was my least favourite project. Friday reading I really enjoyed, because it was a relaxing way to end the week. I was able to get lost in a good book and be distracted for awhile which was fun. Monday written reflections were fun at first, but the book I chose next was tough to write about afterwards, it was one of those books that you just want to read, and not write about. The writers notebook was a fun thing at first but.... I gave up on it.. At first I was so excited, I went out and got a notebook right away, but now it is just a memory. After I just started writing in my normal notebook, and kept track of things there. Blogging I enjoyed, and creating this blog was fun. The personal posts were a little more difficult because I continually forgot to post a couple a week. Tweeting was an interesting way to share my story, so I enjoyed that. I really enjoyed using technology in the course, it was a great way for be to better learn how to use my iphone and ipad. What I learnt about myself as a reader is I have a very specific taste in books. What I found out about myself as a thinker is I think strategically. What I learnt about myself as a writer is that I generally do not go out of my comfort zone with my writing. Lastly as a creator, I learnt that  do have a creative side, although it is a very small part of me, I have a creative side. Overall I believe this was a really fun course to take, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was a good experience and I learnt a lot about technology and myself.

Now What....

         I have given all of my 75 items on my bucket list, and now it is time to decide how to accomplish them, or tell you about the ones I have previously accomplished. First of all the ones that I have accomplished are 38. Learn to surf in Hawaii and 39. Go to Hawaii. These were scratched off my list in 2011 and it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I am not a fan of water, as I cannot swim very well and in order to surf, I had to overcome my fear of water. It was a bonding experience for my sister and I and she was so much better than I was. I believe the best part of surfing was being towed in by the instructor after I was done because I was exhausted! It was great to scratch of #39 on my list, it was the best family vacation I’ve ever been on and I hope to go back very soon.
For the ones I have yet to accomplish I have a few plans already to accomplish them. For example to accomplish 2. Graduate from high school, I am already on track to graduate and my plan for next year is to work very hard in order to graduate. 10. Go to Europe, 11. Go to Australia in order to accomplish these two I am in the works of planning a trip to Europe after I graduate as well as go to Australia, I will probably to to Australia first. To accomplish 52. Start doing yoga, I will start right after school ends this year, I will have much more time to focus on working out therefore be able to accomplish it.

Authors Note for The Buried Life Project

I am in shock that this is our final project, I blinked and this semester went by, it has been great. When I found out this was our last project I was really excited as I have watched The Buried Life on TV prior to this project. I have always wanted to create a bucket list, but I just did not have the time to sit down and write it, but this project has provoked me to think about what I want to do before I die, and I have come up with 75 things, some original, some not so original. I have checked off two of the things on my bucket list already. I have something to work for now, something that I can say I am in the process of and hopefully by the time I die I’ll be able to show my grandchildren, or if I am lucky great grandchildren this list and inspire them to do one of their own. I believe if I check off everything on this list it will be my greatest accomplishment in life, and I will have 75 amazing memories to reminisce about later in life. This will be a project that I will always remember, and I’m glad I have the opportunity to take part in this project. I hope that the people who are reading my blog/ tumblr see this bucket list and get inspired to create their own and start following their own dreams. Reading The Buried Life book and watching the season of the show really inspired me, and got me thinking about what I want to do before I die.

Monday 10 June 2013

The Buried Life

I've been watching the seasons of The Buried Life, not only in class but outside of class. This show has really inspired me to accomplish the items on my list. I have yet to accomplish any new ones. To see them struggle with accomplishing some gives me hope that if at first I don't succeed I will be able to try again! 

Wednesday 5 June 2013

My Favourite Show

This has been my favourite show for over five years. It was a show that was really relatable at first and intriguing! It is a typical favourite teenage girl show. The characters in this show are very relatable. Unfortunately this show ended this year but it had five very strong seasons, all very different covering new topics! I would recommend It to anyone! 

Sunday 2 June 2013

Leafs game!

This is one of my favourite memories of this year! I am a huge Maple Leafs fan and my dream came true, to see a Leafs game! I went and had one of the best nights of my life and it was a great game! By far one of my favourite moments of 2013.

Photography Skills

I took this photo in creative writing by a fluke and it turned out amazing! This is the best picture I think I've taken yet, and I did it by closing my eyes and pointing at the sun because it was too bright to see! I thought it would be great to share!


I recently found out that my favourite country artist is coming to town this year, Brad Paisley I am a huge country fan. When I heard the announcement of his tour Ill admit, I teared up a bit! I was afraid I would not be able to get tickets, and I had been talking about wanting to see him for months and my dreams came true! He is coming with Chris Young who I admire as well! I've heard Brad Paisley is amazing live and I cannot wait to see him In concert, only about 143 days to go!

Daily Cre8te

It started off as a normal day, some fights, announcements, and some normal pre first period drama and gossip, but all of a sudden, while we are sitting in creative writing everyone in the hallway started to scatter, screaming in terror. The teacher ran outside to see the commotion that was taking place and than ran back in, white as a ghost and clearly distressed. She locked the door and sent us all to the corner. She grabbed the bat from behind her desk and stood by the large book case to her left, as far away from the door as possible. My 2 friends in I were huddled in the very back corner, smushed between bookshelf's. We could sacrifice our classmates to this unknown terror in the hallway. We soon realized it was the undead as they began to bang on our door and in the window, they had no luck with entry and continued on. My teacher peered out the door later and it appeared they were gone. She turned her back to the door and we heard the most horrifying, blood curtailing scream, and than silence. The jock in our class went our to investigate . He to came in pale and closed the door. He told us our teacher was now one of them. He grabbed the bar and stood in the centre of the door, armed and ready to protect us.

This is a daily create I wrote when were given the writing prompt that was "where would you be when a zombie apocalypse happened and what would you do".

Daily Cre8te

If I had 10 copies of myself, my 1st copy would sleep the entire day! I am so behind on sleep that I would do anything for my 1st copy to sleep. My second copy would be at school for me writing my quizzes, doing my assignments and going through my day to day tasks. My 3rd copy would go to work for me, so I do not have to. My 4th copy would fly to Hawaii and lay on the beach and get a fabulous tan. My 5th copy would be working out, to help me get my gym hours accomplished. My 6th would head to the states to shop all day! My 7th would volunteer at a nursing home! My 8th would just study for me, as you can never study to much. My 9th would clean my house as my mom would be so happy if I did this! My 10th would catch up on all of the tv I have missed! While all of my copies are out and about I would be at my grandparents house taking care of them, as that is my favourite place to be.

Reflection of The Buried Life book

I really enjoyed what I was able to read of the book : The Buried Life. It gave me a lot of incite as to why these crazy guys decided to do all of these crazy things! I was amazed to find out they were Canadian and it makes me love these guys even more. The idea that they were in a rut was shocking to me because they seem to be so out going and seem to have it all figured out! It really shows that these guys are real people going through things that we go through every day. It gave me a reason to write my own bucket list (aside from the fact that it was a project for me) and seeing others bucket list items really gave me inspiration in what I wanted to put on my own bucket list. Although I played my bucket list safe, really showcases my personality and the visuals (although not professional) really added to the impact of my list! 


                                                What do you want to do before you die?

Wednesday 29 May 2013

TBL final post

I have now accomplished my project and I am ready to share the link to my Tumblr that I created it on, it has my list, as well as visuals to go along with some of the items on my list! Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday 28 May 2013


I love to bake and have loved to bake with my mom and grandma for a long time. This weekend I decided to do an experiment and try to bake tie-die cupcakes. It was a success and it turned out great, they tasted amazing and I made my own butter cream icing as well! As the year is getting stressful I find that baking is a good way to give myself a break and distract myself. If you are going to try to bake tie-die cupcakes I would recommend it because they are really fun to make!

7 Ways Stress Affects Your Body

Since it is exam time for me I thought it would be interesting to learn about how stress affects your body, and the affects on chronic stress on your body. Below is a list of different ways stress can affect you body, I think this ties in with my hope to be a nurse in the future because it regards health care.

7 Ways Stress Affects Your Body:

1. Fight of Flight
2. Cravings
3. Fat Storage
4. Heart
6. Headaches
7. Memory

These all have negative affects on your body, and over time they can be detrimental to your health. So when  you  think you are getting too stresed out, take a breather and remember all of the harmful things it is doing to your body.
I found this information on

Wednesday 22 May 2013

TBL Project

1. Get Married
2. Graduate from high school
3. Graduate from university (get a degree)
4. Get my masters degree
5. Learn how to speak Italian
6. Take my mom on a trip shes always wanted to be on
7. Donate $1000 to the heart and stroke foundation
8. Fall in love
9. Swim with Dolphins
10. Go to Europe
11. Go to Australia
12. Buy my parents a vehicle
13. Have a child
14. Go to a Stanley Cup game
15. Go to a Grey Cup game
16. See the Toronto Maples Leafs win the Stanley Cup
17. Pay for someones groceries
18. Drive across North America
19. Go to Country Fest
20. Get a tattoo
21. Meet Luke Bryan
22. Own a home
23. Go to Ellen
24. Volunteer at a hospital for sick kids
25. Protest something
26. Go to Turks and Caicos
27. See a taping of my favourite shows
28. Go skydiving
29. Go to Italy, and find family there
30. Have my grandparents at my wedding
31. Go to a medium
32. Send my parents on a vacation
33. Go to Las Vegas with my mom for my 21st birthday
34. Quit a job on the spot
35. Go to a Rodeo
36. Buy a brand new vehicle
37. Do a photo shoot
38. Learn to surf in Hawaii
39. Go to Hawaii
40. Go to fashion week in Milan
41. Renew my vows in a tropical place
42. Witness an important trial
43. Build my own cottage
44. Travel with my sister
45. See my sister graduate
46. Stay in a penthouse
47. Save a life
48. Walk a red carpet
49. Meet the guys from the buried life
50. Donate blood
51. Play women's league volleyball
52. Start doing yoga
53. Meet the Jonas Brothers
54. Help with a Red Cross effort
55. Witness and Earthquake
56. Plan a huge dinner party
57. See my best friend graduate
58. Drive for hours without a map, with no idea where I'm going
59. Live in a flat
60.See the seven wonders of the world
61.See my best friend graduate
62. See the ball drop in time square
63. Shop on Rodeo Drive
64. See Niagara Falls from both sides
65.Graduate with honour's
66.Get 1 million views on a YouTube video
67.Run  a marathon
68.Go on Big Brother
69.Adopt a child
70. Be a bridesmaid
71. Go to my Great Grandmas grave
72. Go to Mardi Gras
73. Go on a Grad Trip
74. Maintain a blog
75. Become a Geriatric Nurse

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Finished Twitter Fiction

I just handed my twitter fiction in and am I ever proud of my work! It is on twitter now, go take a look @kaitlyn_n21 , scroll to the bottom and it'll all be there! It was a great project to do and opened my eyes up to tho whole world of twitter fiction! It's a fun way to tell a story and is a challenge yet, intriguing way to write! Hopefully you will enjoy my piece and it'll be posted on this page soon.

Thursday 9 May 2013

New Project

We just started our final project in creative writing, and this is the most exciting project yet! It has to do with the show 'The Buried Life' which is about 4 men who write a bucket list. This got me thinking of all of the things I want to do before I die. I'm really looking forward to working on this project, and I believe this is the project that I will get the most creative with! More to come on this project

Monday 6 May 2013

Weekly Response #6

Reading Response:
  Mercy (end) my 1st Jodi Picoult book. It was amazing, and emotional journey and made me cry. It was a very sad book @Cre8tiveHavoc #WR6
I'm starting to read the book Divergent now, so far really interesting, I'm drawn in! I'm questioning why she has switched to the Dauntless Faction! I hope my question will be answered soon #WR6

Writing Response:
  I am done with the rough draft of my story, all I have to do is add the mini lessons that we learn in the up coming days, I have added the VAKS'ing elements and still have to add some personal details about the characters. I already have 36 tweets completed already so I am well over the minimum number. I will still have to add a few more tweets as we learn more writing variables. The type of Twitter fiction I chose to write was an extended story that follows one boys high school mistake. I chose the extended story because I enjoy to give a lot of details when I write so I thought that was a more natural fit for me to chose the extended story. From the "to do" list I still have to add some character development, and get 3 more original photos. Other than that I have dialogue, and a "so what", as well as the VAKS'ing variables. I have two images that I know I will use, but I am still stuck finding 3 more photos! I really like the theme of my story, and what I have so far. I really like how it has all come together, I am just worried about the deadline now. Although I really enjoy what I have written so far I don't know if it is good enough. What still needs work for me is the character development, and the photos to go along with the tweets. I am really enjoying this writing project and I think it is coming along really well. This is probably my favourite writing task in this class so far! The only question I have is how to develop the character better. I hope to finish this really soon, and after this response I will continue to edit it and revise the old drafts.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Twitter Fiction Preview!

This is just a little glimpse of one of the characters in my very short story (#vss) and a part of my twitter fiction project for creative writing. This is a drawing of inside the mind of the main character, Chris. I'm very excited about this project and I love what I have done already.

Exam time!

Although my exams are a month away, I can't help but start prepping now. People may call me crazy, but it needs to be done! Every exam matters, it's not the must fun Sunday in the world but it will be alright!

Friday 3 May 2013

Twitter Fiction

This is the picture of the progress I've made on my twitter fiction so far. I love this project and it has been a fun way of writing for me!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Blogging Feild Trip
The first blog I comment on was Alex's blog, I commented on one of the quotes she had posted. I commented because I could really relate to the quote, and I think it was a beautiful quote! Defiantly something memorable that I found on her blog, and seeing this post will cause me to check back at Alex's blog to see if she posts anymore great quotes!
The second blog I commented on was Emily's blog. I commented on this six word memoir because it caught my eye and I liked the whole idea of the memoir, from the words to the picture. It really made me think that no matter who you are, or what kind of life you live, that growing up is never easy, just as Emily said. It also made me think about how long would the difficult phase of growing up will be. I know it gets harder as I go on to university and start my own career, and I wonder if it will be the same level of difficulty for me as it will be for someone else. I really like Emily's last words in her authors note "Keep your chin up".
The last blog I commented on was Taylor's daily create about the story behind the wallpaper! I found the story so intriguing and erie. It was such a great story and I would have loved to have read more! I really like the story line that she created with it. It really made you think about how the story got there, and why it was placed behind wallpaper, almost as though it was not meant to be seen. It also made me ask the question why was she so stressed when she had found this wall paper. I think it would be really cool if she continued the story on in her twitter fiction and I look forward to reading her twitter fiction!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Places I've Been, And Want To Be

  I believe I have traveled a fair amount in my life, all in North America thought. I have not left the continent before and I am so excited to take a trip across the world, I think it would be amazing to see a completely different way of life.
  I have been to Fargo, Grand Forks, Minneapolis, Wisconsin Dells. These were all of my trips to the states, they were mostly for shopping and water park touring. My family and I went to Wisconsin Dells 7 years in a row and I would recommend it to anyone! It is a fun place to go as a family! The women in my family love shopping so shopping trips for us are no brainers, I can shop for 8 hours and be ready to go for another 8 hours with a little rest!
  I also have been to Saskatoon, and Calgary for National volleyball tournaments. These were some of the best memories with my volleyball team, the tournaments were always a blast, it was the best of both worlds, playing the sport I absolutely love all morning and shopping in the afternoon! I would go to another National volleyball tournament in a heartbeat!
 I have also been to Hawaii once. This was the best trip I have ever been on! It was amazing, such a beautiful trip. I love sitting on a beach so it was amazing to spend everyday on the beach and get and amazing tan! In the evenings, we would shopping and go sight seeing as well! If you ever get the chance to go to Hawaii, GO! You will not regret it!

A list of places I want to travel:
- Australia
- Italy
- France
- Germany
- England
- Turks & Caicos
- Brazil
- Spain
- California
- New York
- Chicago
- Texas
- Florida

My Life

I am a study-o-holic. Ill admit it, I'm a nerd, and doing well in school is one of my passions. I study almost every night and I am always working hard. I believe that great work ethic and good study habits will bring you very far in life. I know that many people do not agree with my and think my excessive studying is crazy, but it is actually something I enjoy. I enjoy learning new things, and although school is always stressing me out, I get joy in accomplishing a project, or doing my very best on a test. I hope my study skills and my work ethic, that I have build up over the years brings me success in life, because at the end of the day, success is what I'm working towards. I encourage people to work hard in high school, because although people say "it's only high school", but the habits you make in high school you will carry it with you for the rest of your days. So high school does matter. So if your struggling to open the binder and study, remember its worth it!

My Best Friend

Although I have used this picture before in my six word memoirs, I want to use it again, because the man in this picture is very important to me. He is my best friend, and my boyfriend. I know this is a typical cheesy high school girl post, but at this point in my life he is very important to me. I felt the need to add this as a personal addition because he is my best friend, the person I can trust most and always know ill have fun with him. He has been such a blessing to me. This picture is one of my favourites of us together, it was taken at his grad last year. The memories from our time together are some of my best and I'm looking forward to more memories to come!


Today our school had the amazing opportunity to be able to attend a career symposium in the city. Today I also made the decision that I believe I want to go into the field of nursing. I had an idea before that I wanted to be a nurse, but today really showed that, that is what I want to go to post-secondary education for, and what I want to do with my life. I want to help people, and take care of people, and that is what really helped me make the decisions. Talking to registered nurses and hearing their first hand stories really made me interested in the field. I am really happy I made my decision and this will make me work even harder, as nursing is a very competitive field. The career symposium really helped me finalize my decision, I'm really happy I had the opportunity to go. I would recommend the symposium to anyone who is able to go, because it is a great way to learn about new careers, careers your interested in and the school and prerequisites you'll need to find a career you love!

Monday 8 April 2013

Weekly Reflection #5

Book: Mercy
Author: Jodi Picoult
Pages Read: 112-218

  I had my first text to world connect during this weeks reading, it has to do with the topic of  'mercy killing' and prior cases that have gone on in Canada. In the book Mercy, Jamie's wife has asked him to put her out of her misery as she has terminal cancer. This connects to what is going through the Canadian Legal system at the moment. Gloria Taylor has had a long battle to prove that she has the right to die on her own terms, and that 'mercy killing' should be legalised. Her legal team is still fighting for this right, but Gloria has since pasted. In my law class we have  discussed cases such as the Robert Latimer case, as well as the Sue Rodriguez case, this is how I made this text to world connection.
  I also had a comment that has been in my head throughout this weeks reading and last weeks as well. The comment is how angry the character Cam makes me. He makes me angry because he is so unfaithful to his wife. He believes he is justified in doing this and that he will not get caught. I believe he is completely wrong, and it is never right to cheat on a significant other, especially a spouse, whom you've been married to for a number of years. There is no excuse to justify this action. I have debated to stop reading the book because it makes me angry that Cam continues his cheating ways, but I have decided to continue reading and not abandon the book because one character upsets me. I hope that he will realise that what he is doing isn't fair to his wife or his mistress and ether come clean and leave his wife, or stop the cheating all together. Out of this comment I have made a prediction of what will happen with Cam, I believe Allie (his wife) will catch Cam and his mistress in the act, and that will result in Cam and Allies marriage ending. I was hoping for a happy ending to this book but I don't believe I will be getting the happy ending I was looking for.
 Another prediction I made reading this book is that Jamie will win his case, and not be convicted. I believe this because Allie has found a lot of evidence to prove Jamie would never commit such  a crime unless is was justified. I really hope Jamie is found not guilty. The way the author has written this books really makes you route for Jamie and hope he is able to move on with his life. That is why I made the prediction that Jamie will be found not guilty and win his case!

Writing Reflection:
  I really enjoyed doing the newspaper blackout poetry, I thought it was an interesting twist on poetry, and it was something I had never seen before! I struggled in the beginning to find words that flowed well together, and still made sense, that was the hardest part at the beginning. I switched to magazines instead of newspaper articles, and I immediately found it easier to connect the words, it almost began to fall into place. I had made about 5 poems in a matter of a night, and it all began to flow. It was a nice way I found to express myself, and I may begin to write newspaper blackout poetry on my own time as a way to express myself, and a creative outlet. What I found so unique about this style of writing, was if you were stuck for an idea, you wouldn't just have to sit and look at the paper. With newspaper blackout poetry, you could just read the words in a different way, or a different sequence, and it could make sense. What I learnt about myself as a writer is I prefer to use other words and make them my own. As a thinker my ideas I believe are very random, and all over the place, but I have to have them very organised to be happy with my work. I really enjoyed this style of writing, I prefer this over the six word memoirs. I preferred these because I didn't have to add the element of a picture to this assignment, the visual in this assignment was the black background behind the words. I thought it was a great way to connect, and it was a completely new way of writing to me. I thought it was a fun project, and this is where I think I became most creative in my writing!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Top Ten Apps for Nursing Students

  I came across this blog, and I found the top ten list of apps for nurses/nursing students! I read through and I thought it would be really interesting to look at some of these apps when I begin nursing. You have to scroll down a bit to find the post but I found it really interesting and worth a read!

My Writers Notebook

My three favourite posts from my notebook were first:
1. Life in 5 seconds- this is my favourite because I love the visual aspect of the entry. I thought it was so fun to just reenact an episode from the TV show Dallas! It is one of my favourite shows and I thought it was interesting to pour my thoughts out about the content of the episode by drawing and then write about it to explain it.
2. Buy a Life- I really enjoyed doing this entry because I found it really thought provoking! It made me contemplate if I would actually sell my life, and buy a new one!
3. Pocket slots- I really liked this entry because I was able to go through my purse and find out why I had all of these things. It was a fun personal post to do and I think that entry was what really started to get me into the whole idea of a writers notebook!

Wednesday 3 April 2013


This is just a random thought, but as I am thinking, next year will be my grade 12 year, grad year, and final year of high school. All along I was excited to graduate, if anyone asked me if I was nervous about my future, or what would happen after high school I'd reply " I am more excited I can't wait to get out of high school, start a new leg of my life". But as I see my boyfriend go through his first year of university, I realize it isn't as glamorous as it seems. It is a lot more difficult, and a lot more stress than I originally thought. As my high school years are coming to a close I realize I'll find out who my true friends are, have to work a million times harder than I ever have, and balance school, work and bills which is all new to me. As I pick which university I want to go to, what I want to do with the rest of my life, and if I'll live on my own or not, I realize that I have a big obstacle ahead of me. I know I will get through all of the change, but thinking of it now scared me, high school flew by, I blinked and it was practically over so I hope my grad year slows down a bit so I can enjoy the time I have left in high school. Although I'm scared of the future, I think I am ready for what is to come! Bring it on!

My Favourite Vacation

These pictures are from the best vacation I have ever been on. My family and I went to Hawaii in 2011, and it was unlike any other vacation I have ever been on. It was a time for my family to get closer, and be able to relax and catch some rays. I have some of my fondest memories with my sister, mother and father being on vacation in Hawaii. We had amazing weather, the sun so hot that on our first day at the beach I burnt the tops of my feet so badly it hurt to walk for the rest of my trip! Not my favourite memory, but something I've learnt from. Although it was a short 7 day trip, we got to go to the Honolulu zoo, Haunama bay, get surfing lessons, learn to snorkel, go to many malls, and got to take in all of the amazing sites in Hawaii. My favourite part of the trip was waking up every morning and just laying on the beach, and swimming. We were supposed to go to Hawaii again this year but do to illness we were not able to go on our trip. I hope to go back to Hawaii again soon as it is my favourite warm place, (partly because it is the only warm destination that I've been to). I would recommend going to Hawaii to anyone, it is a beautiful place, with lots of fun things to do, and if you can deal with hot sunny days it is like paradise!

Summer Dream

I am a die hard country music fan, I love all kind of music but country music is by far my favourite. I have a dream that the year I turn 18 and the consecutive years after I will make the drive up to Dauphin so I can pursue my dream of seeing some of my favourite country stars live. Unfortunately I am missing the best line up in years this year, which is really a shame. I am missing Luke Bryan which is probably the worst part of missing it because I would love to see him live. But as I'm getting closer to fulfilling my dream I get even more excited when I crank up the country station in my car! This is defiantly on my bucket list, and something I will do anything to be able to see. To me it's not just one party, it's matching the singers/bands to the words of songs that have gotten me through some of the most difficult times in my life.

My Favourite Way to Relax

I think the best way to relax on a rainy day, a cold day, or even a beautiful sunny day would be to be reading and having a cup of Starbucks beside you. There is no better way to take your mind of life's problems than to escape into a book!

My Addiction - Shopping

  So anyone who knows me, knows I am a shopping addict for sure. I love planning outfits, finding shoes, and just the feeling of shopping. My favourite place to shop would probably be Mall of America, because there is so much to look at and shop for there. I'd like to share with my blog readers my Top 10 favourite stores of all time, and stores that are worth checking out!

1. Aritzia - They have great clothing for casual, classic, and indie styles.
2. Lululemon - Great workout clothing, as well as clothing that is comfortable, and casual.
3. Aldo Accessories - Great for rings, purses and scarfs!
4. Spring - My favourite place to buy shoes, great styles at great prices.
5. Dynamite - They have great dressier clothing, for a very classic style.
6. BCBG- Great for dresses!
7. Abercrombie - Great cardigans and jeans!
8. Victoria Secret Pink - Great for sweaters and really nice t-shirts!
9. Marshals- All around great store.
10. Coach- Amazing purses.

Newspaper Blackout

This is he finished project of my Newspaper Blackout poetry! Hope you like!

Secret Lair

This is a daily cre8te we did that I thought was such a fun project because it had a creative writing side, and a side that we could draw it in order to grey out point across

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Nursing Quote #2

"Nurses dispense comfort, compassion, and caring without even a prescription" - Val Saintsbury

Nursing Quote

"To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through; is to be a nurse" - Rawsi Williams

Top Ten TV Shows

This is a list of my favourite shows that I believe everyone should at least take a look at!

1) Whitney
2) Dallas (new)
2) 90210 (new)
3) Bug Brother
4) How I Met Your Mother
5) Ridiculousness
6) Boy Meets World
7) Saved By The Bell
8) The Big Bang Theory
9) Duck Dynasty
10) Keeping Up With The Kardashians

My Favorite YouTube Video

I came across this talented little boy when I was watching Ellen, after I saw this video it brightened my day. This boy is adorable and I showed it to everyone who was willing to watch! I thought this was the perfect place to share it and I hope you all enjoy it!

Monday 18 March 2013

Weekly Reflection #4

  To start this reflection I really enjoyed doing the six word memoirs. Although I struggled with some aspects of it, it was overall a fun project to take part in and I learnt about new writing techniques that I did not know about. I believe that for myself the writing portion was the easier part of the two things. I found connecting the pictures to the words was the hardest part because for some of my memoirs, the writing was immensely hard to connect to the pictures. When I did find the perfect match of words and picture I was able to elaborate easily on my pictures. You can tell by my writers notes which memoirs were my favourite because I was able to easily expand on my ideas, and the paragraphs of description just flowed. What I learnt about using this microform of writing is that there is a lot you can say in a small amount of words. If you like the topic you are writing about, you have a lot of possibilities to say in a very small amount of words. I was surprised about how easy the words came to me for this project, and surprised how hard it was for me to connect pictures and words together. I thought it would have been really easy, but it was pretty hard. I learnt that I am a thinker and I have a million ideas running through my head at one time, but as a writer I like to elaborate a lot on my small ideas. This is why this project was difficult for me because I am used to writing pages on one small idea but in this project I was restricted to 6 words, which tested my ability to get to the point. I'm really enjoying this course, thus far. I think it is bettering my writing abilities which will help me later in life, and I will have the ability to expand my writing from a  basic essay in university. I really don't have any questions, concerns or sources of confusion for this course.

   In the blogging field trip we took, I commented on things that looked interesting, or that made me ask questions and anything that caught my eye. I found it really difficult to comment, because I did not want to give anyone constructive criticism, I felt that I should not be critiquing on work that someones worked hard on! I just wanted to leave nice comments, being a cheerleader and telling them 'Good job!'. I know this is not a great comment, but it gives people a bit of a confidence boost. A good comment, when commenting on a blog, is a comment where you comment on what you liked about the picture, and than ask a question, or say something that you would do differently. That would be the ideal response. A bad comment would just be a comment where all you said was 'good job', or 'I like the background'. It would be a bare bones comment where you are placing the minimal effort in and not asking questions or elaborating on the topic. Some benefits to commenting on others blogs is that you get to look through other blogs and get ideas for your own blog. Also you are able to tell a classmate or another person what you like about their blog, and give them feedback so they can improve even more on their blog. Lastly some good things about getting comments on your blog are that you getting feed back on your work, hearing peoples likes and dislikes and things they would improve on or change. By getting these comments you are able to improve on your blog and make changes that will make your blog more visited and more liked!

Book: Mercy
Author: Jodi Picoult
Pages Read: 1-111

  I just started the book Mercy, and so far I think it is really good, it is a very serious book, but with more happy notes to it than the last book I read. This is the first Jodi Picoult book I read, and I really like her as an author, she goes into great detail in her writing, and I already know a lot about the characters in my book. The first question I had in the book was why Jamie MacDonald killed his wife Maggie MacDonald. As I continued to read on I found out that Maggie had a terminal illness and she did not want to live on as a vegetable and that was why Jamie had killed her, along with the fact that he did not want to see her that way. My first question was answered right away, but my second question has yet to be answered, my second question is Cam MacDonald, who is married to Allie MacDonald is having strange feelings in regards to his relationship with his wife. He feels almost as though he could have done more if he did not stay in the town they are in. My question is did he always feel this way about Allie, and if he did, why did he marry her. This question has yet to be answered in my book, but I'm hoping it will soon because I really want to know the answer to this. Lastly I made a comment in the book, the comment was, according to Allie her relationship with Cam is good, just going through a few bumps, I just hope that no one tears it apart. I am really enjoying this book and I hope it continues to be as great as it is in the beginning.

Monday 11 March 2013

Six Word Memoirs #7

  I chose to take a picture of the University of Manitoba poster to go with this memoir because that is where I hope to go for University, and I thought it was fitting to have a picture of the university I planed to go to.
  The first thing I did while editing the picture was I cropped it, I cropped it because there was a lot of information about the university, and I had only wanted to have the title and the logo in the picture. I chose to have the black bars in the picture because it was a good spot to put the memoir because it did not look very good directly on the picture, and this way you can see the words better. I also made the picture a little pixelated and grainy because I thought it looked kind of cool that way. I also made the picture brighter so you could see the iconic brown and yellow colours of the University of Manitoba. The white/grey marks on the picture were just a result of the angle that the picture was taken in, and I tried to change it, but it couldn't be taken out. I believe it adds to the picture a bit. The punctuation I used to add to my picture was a comma mid way through the sentence, and a period at the end. I thought the break in the sentence was needed. I chose the very rigid font that was in all capitals to go with my memoir because it is kind of intimidating and a very strong which I believe benefits the photo and further shows my message. I chose the white so it did not take away from the picture, and it matches the University of Manitoba title. I placed the font in the left hand corner because you could see the message best there.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Six Word Memoirs #8

  This is by far my favourite six word memoir that I have done, I love the colours in the photo, the colour of my dress, and just the pose of the picture. There is a photo credit, it is in the top right hand corner but it is immensely hard to see, photo credit: KNott, Created by: KNott,

  I chose this photo to go with my memoir because it is me with my best friend, who is also my boyfriend, when I wrote this memoir this was the first picture that came to mind because it fit so perfectly with the memoir. I loved the scenery in this image and I believe it was just perfect.

 I use many editing techniques on this photo to get it to exactly the way I had wanted it. At first I made the picture black and white, just to see if I liked it. It didn't look terrible, but I wanted to see the colour in my dress, and the colour in front of us. I made the two of us in the picture in colour so it made the picture much brighter. I cropped the photo so we were the focal point, and the trees on the sides of the photo were gone. I brightened the picture, because we were in the shade so it was a little dark. I also enhanced the image which I thought was the perfect finishing touch. I chose the punctuation to enhance my photo, I chose the comma so it had a pause in the sentence, and made the sentence flow better. I used dots at the end of the photo because I thought it made it show that this was not the end of the sentence, that I have so much more to say that does not just fit in my six words! I chose the font that is hand writing like because I thought it looked elegant and I believe it looked awesome in the picture. I chose the font to be black because I wanted it to be simple and not take away from the picture. Lastly I placed the font there so it was visible in the photo, but the photo was still the focal point, because, after all a picture says a thousand words.

Six Word Memoirs #6

 I chose this picture to go along with this six word memoirs because time goes, on even if you don't want it to. There is no stopping time, once you pass a moment it is gone. Therefore that is why I paired the memoir "I wish, I could go back" with the picture of a clock because I believe this was the best fit.
  The editing techniques I used when creating this photo was first I enhanced the clock, and made it the focal point of the picture so that the ceiling tile. and wallas were very hard to see. I did this because I wanted the clock to stand out, and I did not like the wait the ceiling tiles looked. I than darkened the edges of the photo. I believe that it should not have very bright colours because I believing that wishing you could go back is not a very happy, and bright thing, it is a very sad thing to think about. I believe the punctuation I used clarifies my message because I used two commas for punctuation, I believe that if I used periods it would make it more of a statement, rather than a phrase that makes people think. I think the commas make you think, there is not a definite ending to the phrase if you put commas which is what I was going for. I chose the placement of the font because I thought it would be most attractive there, because of the size of the clock the font fit best in the top corner because you can still see it and it doesn't take away from the picture. I chose the white font because it went with the black, grey and white theme to the photo, there is very little colour in the picture, and I did not want to make it to bright with a coloured font.

Six Word Memoirs #5

  I chose a simple picture for this six word memoir because I believe this is a very strong and personal message to me. I chose the heart with a black back ground because the heart is a symbol for love. I chose the black background because it is simple, it did not over power the tiles or the vibrant red heart in the middle.
  The editing techniques I used on this photo were I made the colours brighter, I used a filter that would enhance the gold in the tiles because that was where the focal point of the picture is. I cropped the excess black away from the picture so that the it was smaller and did not have any wasted space. I did not use any punctuation for this picture because there was no scrabble tiles with commas of periods. I loved the idea of the use of scrabble tiles for this six word memoir, I used this because my grandparents taught me a lot including spelling and Scrabble is a spelling game. The tiles also
have a rustic and vintage feel to them which i believe just adds to my overall photo. I paced the tiles in the middle of the photo because I believe they should be the focal point of this photo.

Six Word Memoirs #4

  I believe the image and words fit together because the picture shows a calender with appointments written under dates, and the words 'I always thought tomorrow was gauranteed'. I believe they fit because as much as you plan you never know what tomorrow will bring or even if there will be a tomorrow, you never know. This is why I chose the calender for this visual because I believe this was the most fitting.
  The editing techniques I used was I first made the colour black and white, but I then added the sepia to it to make it look like a vintage picture. I really liked the way the colour turned out. I cropped the picture a bit so the focal point would be the calender and there would be space for the words so they would stick out. The punctuation I used was dots at the end to extend the sentence so it would make the reader think about what this statement means. Commas did not seem fitting in this picture and I thought the dots would be most effective. I love this handwriting style of font because it just looks good with the message and fits within the picture. It does not go with the words, but it looks good for what the message is, it almost looks like calligraphy which is a vintage technique of writing and I tried to make my picture look vintage. I chose the plain black colour because I did not want anything to bright because none of the colours in the picture are very bright.

Six Word Memoirs #3

   I believe the image and the six word memoir fit well together because it shows many kilometres on the dash of a car, it does not show anything about hate but it proves that no matter how far you, there will always be hate, that is just a reality in the world we live in.
   The editing techniques I used on the photo were I enhanced the colour a bit, and I made the picture darker. I tried to make the kilometres more focal but the way I took  the photo made it more difficult to do so. I also softened the picture a bit to make it look better. I used one period in my photo because I wanted to be direct in this picture, there was no pauses in what I was saying, it was a statement, therefore I did not feel there was a need for any commas or extra punctuation. I wanted to get to the point. I chose red for the colour of the font because red is sometimes associated with hate, so I believed it was fitting. I chose a very rigid font so it stood out, and was not soft. It was all capitalised because it makes the message even more prominent in the photo. I placed the words underneath, because I believed you could see it there best.

Six Word Memoirs #2

   I chose to take a picture of my friend sitting awkwardly because it matched the message "awkward, doesn't even begin to describe it" because I was stuck without a picture for this memoir, at first I could not even think of a picture that would best pair with it. I then realised that I have a very awkward friend who was willing to take a picture for me! The words and the picture fit together perfectly because it is such an awkward pose she is sitting in.
  The editing techniques I used was I softened the colours of the photos first, I did this because we were sitting directly under a light which made the colours of the picture kind of funny looking. I then cropped the picture to get the area around her out of the picture because it did not look proper with the desks behind her, I wanted it to be just her and her desk. Lastly I darkened the ground and her surroundings so it did not take away from her pose. The punctuation I used to enhance my message was I used the comma because I wanted the word 'Awkward' to stand out, and have a pause after it, because that is what the memoir and picture are all about. I used the font that was kind of scribbly and an odd sort of font because I believe it fit well in the picture. I placed it where I did because, there was an open space and it fit well there without taking away from the picture.

Six Word Memoirs #1

   This is one of my favourite pictures of me from when I was a child, I spent every summer out at my cottage, and I never wanted to leave the beach. It was my favourite place because my whole family was there and I was able to spend time with everyone. I believe that the words and the picture go hand in hand because I am in fact knee deep in the water. It connects to me because the beach will always be my favourite place and it brings back important memories when I'm at the beach and in the water. I believe that the punctuation I used, although very minimal makes sense for my picture. When you are at the beach you are layed back, and do not have a ton of structure, this is why I used only one comma because I did not want it to be as structured as normal writing is, because a day at beach is not as structured as a normal day! I chose a fun font with a bright colour because it was a sunny day in the picture so the yellow fit, the font I chose was a font that fit well with beach theme of my picture. I placed it in the bottom corner so it is a focal point but you are able to see the picture and the water.

Monday 4 March 2013

Life in 5 seconds

While drawing my life in 5 seconds I learned that visual story telling is a really great way to tell a short story and you can get much more detailed without using a million words. I can go into much more depth because a small visual goes along way. The order if very important because it illustrates the series of the events, it also makes it clear so you are not confusing the audience. A group of symbols can be more direct and detailed in some cases and I believe the episode of Dallas I used works really well because it is a very intense episode and I would have has to write a novel if I had to use words. But by using the symbols I can go into depth because I am able to tell what's next with a character in that same area. I believe it is almost easier to tell some stories in this way. It can be more fun for the audience as well because its almost a puzzle they need to connect to get the plot. This was probably my favorite daily cre8tve so far!
I believe this could help me with my 6 word memoirs because now I know just how important the visual portion is. It is not just all about the writing and words the visual element is what makes the message more clear. I now know that I have to go I to more depth with my pictures instead of so much focus on my choice of words. Although the words are important. I am really struggling with finding very symbolic pictures. I believe this is a very challenging project for me.

Weekly Reflection #3

Book: Hate List
Author: Jennifer Brown
Pages Read: 220 - 405 (end)

The first comment I made this week during my reading was how bad I felt for Valerie because of her family situation. With her parents going through a brutal divorce, and the discovery that her father was cheating on her mom for years, Valerie feels as though she has no one, no where to turn. I feel like she had made so much progress throughout the book, and her dad just dismisses all of it like she is still this huge burden to her family. Valerie asks her father if she can forgive her, and his reply was ""No", he said, without facing me."Maybe it makes me a bad parent, but I don't know if I can. No matter what the police found, you were involved in that shooting, Valerie. You wrote those names on that list. You wrote my name on that list. You had a good life here. You may not have pulled the trigger, but you helped cause the tragedy". I believe her father is completely out of line for saying such things to her after all the things she has gone through the past year. Her father continued to treat his daughter horribly and also cause her little brother to turn against her. I at first like Valeries dad as a character, but the last 7 chapters of this book really showed his true colours as a person which made me really dislike the character and route even more for Valerie and her mother.
I had made a prediction when Valerie began to talk about going to a party with her new friends (all the people she hated just months ago). I made the prediction that something terrible would happen at that party, the author used foreshadowing to show that this was going to happen, the circumstances were just not right and that's what caused me to come to this prediction. After continuing reading my prediction was right and not only one thing went wrong it was just a series of horrible events. The worst event of the night would have to be Valerie being threatened by her friends brother, he said ""So was this the kind of gun your psycho boyfriend used?" he asked, turning the gun in his hand contemplatively. He aimed it at my leg. "Do you recognize it? It's not so tough to get ahold of one. My dad hides this one in the rafters downstairs. If I wanted, I could make people go away, just like Nick did." I believe this was by far the worst event of the night because Valerie was being watched over at the party by some guy so she didn't kill anyone there, and than to have her life threatened by a friend? That has got to be the worst, I believe Valerie did not deserve what had happened to her but she should have seen what was going to happen. If the person who is throwing the party doesn't want you there, its probably a bad idea to go.
Lastly I just finished the book this week and I am shocked at how great of a book it was. I would recommend it to anyone, it was a very heavy book though and some people just do not like that type of book. It was the type of book that you have troubles putting it down. The book was light hearted at times, but most of the time it was heart wrenching and I felt as though I was cheering for Valerie the entire time. The book was also relatable because of how the high school was portrayed, because there are cliques, distinct social groups, and bullies in every high school. This is an everyday reality for us. although this book is a few years old, it is still current enough that it is a great representation as an incite into high school life. I hope that something like this does does not happen to our school because of the size of our school population it would hurt even more people and families. All in all I hope to pass on this book to friends in this class and await their opinions on the book. Also I think it would be a great book for lit circles in high school because of its relatability, and the content of the novel.

Monday 25 February 2013

Weekly Response #2 (Reading & Writing)

Book: Hate List
Author: Jennifer Brown
Pages Read: 43-219

     The first thing I want to talk about in this response is a comment/prediction I made. The comment was in regards to this passage from the book, ""Been to Nicks grave?" Duce asked. I looked at him sharply. He was staring at me with hard contempt in his eyes. "Been to anyones grave?"". This if from page 41 of the novel. The comment I made when I read this is that Valerie's good friends blame her (especially Duce) for the shooting, when her name has been cleared and it is public knowledge that is was not her fault it was her boyfriends. Yet people still believe that she was directly involved instead of trying to stop it. I believe that this is a very unfair assumption to make about Valerie because her friends of all people should believe that she was innocent. The prediction I made when reading this passage was that Duce would do anything in his power to get back at Valerie for the pain Nick caused. I thought this because of how Duce is portrayed in the book, he does not seem like the person to just leave something alone and let a person who's hurting be. I am much further along in the book now and my prediction was not true thus far, Duce has just shunned her out from her old group of friends. He has turned her old friends against her, which I guess is a form of revenge and getting back at her but I believed it would have been much worse.
     The second comment I had was how I admire Valerie for going back to her old high school and facing all of her peers who do not particularly like her. She is so strong for having the ability to go back to the place where everything fell apart for her. I do not think many people would be able to go back to such horrid memories. People can change, but Valerie had so many enemies after the shooting happened for her to come back and sit in class with the people who tormented her for years is something very strong. A prediction I made is that she will not transfer schools like she was contemplating, I believe she will start to find groups and get back involved even though she dreads everyday that she has to go back. Not everyone can hold a grudge forever and I believe that she will find groups and finally get to enjoy her senior year instead of counting down the days until she is able to transfer.
   In my last response I had the question of why Mr Kline, the beloved teacher was shot. I had thought it was because Nick (Valerie's boyfriend/Shooter) believed that Valerie was 'too close' to Mr Kline. I was wrong, it was not because of her relationship with Mr Kline it was because he was protecting a fellow colleague. This shows that Mr Kline was a hero in this shooting and protected many children and colleagues instead of protecting himself.

    Once I finish high school, which is still another year away I want go into nursing. I do not want to go anywhere near working in the emergency room, I want to work in geriatric nursing. I hope to go to University of Manitoba and study there. What I would like to do to achieve my goals by using my blog is to follow blogs that have to do with nursing and start to collect stories about people who have made an impact on nursing. I would like to do some volunteering in nursing homes across the city and get an idea of what I am thinking of doing with the rest of my life. The reason I chose nursing is because I want to help people and I believe that nursing would be a fitting career for me. I know many nurses and what they do is very inspiring for me. I believe that they are essential in society and they do many amazing things. I hope that I am able to find blogs of nurses or former nurses and am able to hear stories and gain knowledge about the job. I hope that I am able to start posting stories soon!

Thursday 21 February 2013

Daily Cre8te - Buy a Life

If I had the choice, I do not believe I would sell my life. I am happy where I am in life I have an amazing family, great marks, good friends, a great boyfriend, and I'm happy with all the possessions I have in my life. If I were to sell my life though I would place it for around 1 million dollars. I have a huge wardrobe with majority of my clothes gently used and name brand. I have an extensive collection of purses that are gently used as well. I have a laptop, iPhone 5, iPad mini, iPod and TV. I also have a 2005 Chevy Cobalt which is my favourite possession because it was my first huge purchase that does have command start as well which is a life saver living here!
I feel like the relationships I have made are so strong that I would not want to buy new ones. There is not enough money in the world that would make me give up my family. Also my marks are good and very important to me so I would never sell those. My possessions are just possessions, I could sell those if I wanted to, but family is most important to me which is why I could never give them up. I don't think I would go under 1 million dollars if I were to sell, but I would never sell my life. But If I were to sell my life I would pack up what I didn't sell and move to Hawaii and live beach side for the rest of my life!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Inspirational Quote


I find Audry Hepburns quotes so inspirational because she was such an amazing person. Ths quote sticks out o me the most because of the last sentance "I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles" this sticks out most to me becauase athough you never know what tomorrow will bring it could always be better than today. I look at this when I'm having an off day because I know that tomorrow is another day and it has the potential to be much better than today.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Digital Footprint

This digital footprint shows my use of technology and what kind of sites I use on a regular basis. I am constantly using my phone and using social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. I also am constantly texting which is displayed on my picture!

Weekly Response #1

Book: Hate List
Author: Jennifer Brown
Pages Read: 1-42

   I recently started the book Hate List I was surprised at how quickly the book actually started. There was no build up to the big event, no explaining characters, just right into the action right away. The book is written in an interesting way it jumps from present, to past, than to news articles. I find this really interesting because there is always new information and it is never really slow which I like. This is not my first reading response, I have taken 3 classes with Mrs McLauchlan over my high school years, and I have used the post - it note method of keeping track of my ideas, but I have always had a hard time making comments. I ask a lot of questions and this response is no different majority question post -its. My goal for this semester is to make more comments throughout my reading.
   My first question of the reading I did regards who was actually the instigator of the shooting. In the book , it does not actually clarify if it was all Nicks doing (Valerie's boyfriend) or if Valerie was also directly apart of it. In the book it says a couple times that she has no idea that he was going to do it, but I feel like she had some suspicion and had some involvement. Valerie in the book has been referred to as a "hero", but she is struggling with being referred to as a hero which adds to my suspicion of if she is actually involved in the plans to kill the students she did not like. My question has yet to be answered but I hope it will be soon.
   My second question is about the character Mr Kline and his death. I wonder if Nick killed Mr Kline because he was 'too close' to Valerie. There has not been much said about Mr Kline, but Valerie briefly says that he was a good guy. This is why I am questioning it. I do not see any other reason for Nick to have anything against this teacher. I hope to find out more as I carry on throughout the book to answer this question because this is a question I feel the need to have an answer to.
   The first comment I had when I started reading this book is that school shootings are becoming all to common. This makes me kind of nervous because you never know what will be coming tomorrow. I wish that this reality would just disappear because I do not believe anyone should go through something like that. I hope that it would never happen to me or anyone I know but you never know what tomorrow brings.

Friday 15 February 2013

Pocket Slots

This is a daily cre8te that has to do with the content in my purse and what it tells about me! The first thing that is in my purse and my my side at all times is my iPhone 5. This is essential to me because it has everything on it that has to do with me! It is a must have for me! It has all my contacts, emails, pictures, reminders and even notes on it. This shows like I like to stay connected based on the apps I use! The second thing I have in my purse is my Coach wallet. Coach is my favourite brand of accessories, most of my purses and wallets are Coach. My wallet is crucial to me and must be very organized at all times! This shows I'm a very organized person. I carry my calculator at all times, I am in chemistry and PreCal so it is a necessity for me. This shows that I'm such a nerd! But that is ok I don't mind it! I also carry clips for large amounts of paper I cause I have to use them for school! This also shows that I'm a big fan of organization. Lastly I have my car keys, and these are very important to me because they go everywhere with me, because I have my own car. I use these everyday to get to and from!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Intro Post

Hi! My names Kaitlyn, this is my blog for my Creative Writing class. By taking this class I hope to gain a better knowledge of how to use technology, and better my writing skills.