Tuesday 5 March 2013

Six Word Memoirs #4

  I believe the image and words fit together because the picture shows a calender with appointments written under dates, and the words 'I always thought tomorrow was gauranteed'. I believe they fit because as much as you plan you never know what tomorrow will bring or even if there will be a tomorrow, you never know. This is why I chose the calender for this visual because I believe this was the most fitting.
  The editing techniques I used was I first made the colour black and white, but I then added the sepia to it to make it look like a vintage picture. I really liked the way the colour turned out. I cropped the picture a bit so the focal point would be the calender and there would be space for the words so they would stick out. The punctuation I used was dots at the end to extend the sentence so it would make the reader think about what this statement means. Commas did not seem fitting in this picture and I thought the dots would be most effective. I love this handwriting style of font because it just looks good with the message and fits within the picture. It does not go with the words, but it looks good for what the message is, it almost looks like calligraphy which is a vintage technique of writing and I tried to make my picture look vintage. I chose the plain black colour because I did not want anything to bright because none of the colours in the picture are very bright.

1 comment:

  1. great memoir, verry true.i like the editing you did to the picture it turned out great.
