Wednesday 12 June 2013

Another Hobby of Mine

Besides my love for baking I also love to cook. This meal is one of my favourites I have ever made, it is pasta with homemade meat sauce and homemade garlic bread. With the help of my grandpa I was able to make this meal! It was delicious! 


I have a really great group of friends. We do everything together and we always have a good time. I have not been friends with these girls for very long only about a year and a half but I know I have made life long friendships with them! I hope that they can continue throughout university and I hope our senior year is great as a result of this close group of friends. We have many trips, and events planned and I am excited for the future! 

Volleyball Nationals

I played volleyball for a club team for two years and I met so many amazing people from traveling and being involved in many tournaments across the province as well as in other provinces. I have made many friends throughout the province but one team sticks out the most to me. It is the team Air Attack and they play out of British Columbia. I met them in the 2011 National volleyball tournament as they were staying in the same hotel as my team. We watched each others games daily and became great friends. I still chat with some of the team and I hope to see them soon! I miss volleyball terribly and everyday I wish I never had quit. 

Taylor Swift

Next Saturday I am going to the Taylor Swift concert with my best friends! I am so excited to see Taylor Swift live as she is one of my favourite artists. I'm sure it will be an amazing concert and I am excited to see Ed Sheeran as well! 

Shoe Recommendation

So I have recently found a great pair of shoes! They are immensely comfortably and also stylish which is great. They are wedges, they also sell many other styles but I love the wedges. Many women find that when they buy new wedges they tend to cut your feet up which no one likes and it is super painful! This brand of shoes is Toms which is a great brand and I had no blistering or cuts on my feet after I wore them for hours! I highly recommend these shoes and you can find them any place that sells Toms.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

The Voice

I am a huge fan of country music and I am also a huge fan of the show 'The Voice'. This season there has been a duo that has impacted the show greatly they are the Swon Brothers. I fell in love with these musicians in the blind auditions and I knew they were going to be great. Their voices are amazing and they seem so down to earth which I believe people really admire. I buy there songs on iTunes  after every performance shows, and I'm really hoping they win. Even if they do not win I will be looking forward to whatever is next for the Swon Brothers. They have stole the hearts of many, including me! Vote for the Swon Brothers! 

Summer Goal

I have a goal for this summer to volunteer  in a nursing home. I want to be able to give back to the community and especially the elderly community. I believe volunteering with the elderly is extremely important as they have given so much to our community previously and now they are the ones who need aid or even just a smile. I have a special space in my heart for the elderly people that I know and I believe that this is a great way to give back. Also the area of nursing I would like to go into is geriatric nursing so also by volunteering I am able to get a feel for me future career! 

Nursing Quote #6

Nursing Quote #5

"Panic plays no part in the training of a nurse" - Elizabeth Kenny 

Nursing Quote #4

"Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon." - Dag Hammarskjold

Nursing Quote #3

"As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. The may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

Nurse Qualities

I was looking into what qualities people must have in order to become an amazing nurse. I hope to posses some or all of these qualities because I really want to be able to be a great nurse. After reading this list I believe I possess these qualities. I hope I continue to have the drive that I do at the moment so I can continue my dream of becoming a nurse. Here is the list of qualities.

1.Communication Skills
2. Detail Oriented
3. Competent 
4. Committed 
5. Passionate 
6. Intuitive 
7. Compassionate
8. Flexible Calm 
9. Team Player
10. Efficient  

Top 10 Summer Songs

Since the summer season is fast approaching I thought I would share with you my favourite songs for summer. 

1. Boys Round Here-Blake Sheldon
2. Beat This Summer-Brad Paisley
3.Ticks-Brad Paisley 
4. Wagon Wheel-Darius Rucker
5. Blame It On Your Truck - Kerria Isabella 
6. Blurred Lines- Robin Thicke
7. 22-Taylor Swift
8. See You Again-Carrie Underwood
9. Downtown- Lady Antebellum 
10. Toes - Zac Brown Band

Completing an Item

I am about to complete an item on my bucket list next week! So that will make 3 that I have checked off! The one I'm checking off is start doing yoga! I'm starting Tuesday after my last exam. I am so excited not only to start but to be accomplishing an item on my list! Just thought I'd share it with the people reading my blog! 

My Favourite Time of Year

Although, we are just getting into the season of summer, I thought it would share with you my favourite season. I love the winter time because it has my favourite holiday, Christmas, and I love to ski. Also I am odd but I love winter driving it is kind of exciting to me! This is why it is my favourite season.  


This is what I did this weekend! I made red velvet cupcakes for my family and friends. This is one of my favorite hobbies! 

My Fear

I have a fear of giving blood, and although I want to give blood because it is such a great gift I can't get over my fear. Ever since I was little I've had a fear of blood and I am getting better with it I'm afraid something will go wrong and it won't be a good experience. This is one of the items on my bucket list and I hope before I die I will be able to check this off list. This is one of the items that could also check off save a life. I have a goal set that I will donate blood before I turn 20! So I still have a few years! 

Grad Excitement

As the end of the year is fast approaching I am growing more and more excited by the day for my senior year. I have started to sign up for things such as grad committee so I can be involved in my senior year! We have bought our senior shirts so were all set up for the first day. Although it is scary, I am excited to see what this year will brig for me and the new challenges I face. I am ready to graduate (or so I think now) I will find out later next year I guess. But I know I will go I to nursing, And that I will stay here for university. I look forward to starting my senior year, it should be the best year yet, or so I hope. 

Thinking Back

  Wow, this class is already done, it feels like just yesterday we were just starting it. Anyhow, my favourite project throughout the year was the final project, the Buried Life project. It was my favourite because this was the most creative I got throughout the entire year, and I thought this is would be the project I remember and look back to after this course. My least favourite project was the six word memoirs, that was a daunting project and it was really tough for me to accomplish it. I found a lot of challenges with finding pictures to match the six words I chose. This is why it was my least favourite project. Friday reading I really enjoyed, because it was a relaxing way to end the week. I was able to get lost in a good book and be distracted for awhile which was fun. Monday written reflections were fun at first, but the book I chose next was tough to write about afterwards, it was one of those books that you just want to read, and not write about. The writers notebook was a fun thing at first but.... I gave up on it.. At first I was so excited, I went out and got a notebook right away, but now it is just a memory. After I just started writing in my normal notebook, and kept track of things there. Blogging I enjoyed, and creating this blog was fun. The personal posts were a little more difficult because I continually forgot to post a couple a week. Tweeting was an interesting way to share my story, so I enjoyed that. I really enjoyed using technology in the course, it was a great way for be to better learn how to use my iphone and ipad. What I learnt about myself as a reader is I have a very specific taste in books. What I found out about myself as a thinker is I think strategically. What I learnt about myself as a writer is that I generally do not go out of my comfort zone with my writing. Lastly as a creator, I learnt that  do have a creative side, although it is a very small part of me, I have a creative side. Overall I believe this was a really fun course to take, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was a good experience and I learnt a lot about technology and myself.

Now What....

         I have given all of my 75 items on my bucket list, and now it is time to decide how to accomplish them, or tell you about the ones I have previously accomplished. First of all the ones that I have accomplished are 38. Learn to surf in Hawaii and 39. Go to Hawaii. These were scratched off my list in 2011 and it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I am not a fan of water, as I cannot swim very well and in order to surf, I had to overcome my fear of water. It was a bonding experience for my sister and I and she was so much better than I was. I believe the best part of surfing was being towed in by the instructor after I was done because I was exhausted! It was great to scratch of #39 on my list, it was the best family vacation I’ve ever been on and I hope to go back very soon.
For the ones I have yet to accomplish I have a few plans already to accomplish them. For example to accomplish 2. Graduate from high school, I am already on track to graduate and my plan for next year is to work very hard in order to graduate. 10. Go to Europe, 11. Go to Australia in order to accomplish these two I am in the works of planning a trip to Europe after I graduate as well as go to Australia, I will probably to to Australia first. To accomplish 52. Start doing yoga, I will start right after school ends this year, I will have much more time to focus on working out therefore be able to accomplish it.

Authors Note for The Buried Life Project

I am in shock that this is our final project, I blinked and this semester went by, it has been great. When I found out this was our last project I was really excited as I have watched The Buried Life on TV prior to this project. I have always wanted to create a bucket list, but I just did not have the time to sit down and write it, but this project has provoked me to think about what I want to do before I die, and I have come up with 75 things, some original, some not so original. I have checked off two of the things on my bucket list already. I have something to work for now, something that I can say I am in the process of and hopefully by the time I die I’ll be able to show my grandchildren, or if I am lucky great grandchildren this list and inspire them to do one of their own. I believe if I check off everything on this list it will be my greatest accomplishment in life, and I will have 75 amazing memories to reminisce about later in life. This will be a project that I will always remember, and I’m glad I have the opportunity to take part in this project. I hope that the people who are reading my blog/ tumblr see this bucket list and get inspired to create their own and start following their own dreams. Reading The Buried Life book and watching the season of the show really inspired me, and got me thinking about what I want to do before I die.

Monday 10 June 2013

The Buried Life

I've been watching the seasons of The Buried Life, not only in class but outside of class. This show has really inspired me to accomplish the items on my list. I have yet to accomplish any new ones. To see them struggle with accomplishing some gives me hope that if at first I don't succeed I will be able to try again! 

Wednesday 5 June 2013

My Favourite Show

This has been my favourite show for over five years. It was a show that was really relatable at first and intriguing! It is a typical favourite teenage girl show. The characters in this show are very relatable. Unfortunately this show ended this year but it had five very strong seasons, all very different covering new topics! I would recommend It to anyone! 

Sunday 2 June 2013

Leafs game!

This is one of my favourite memories of this year! I am a huge Maple Leafs fan and my dream came true, to see a Leafs game! I went and had one of the best nights of my life and it was a great game! By far one of my favourite moments of 2013.

Photography Skills

I took this photo in creative writing by a fluke and it turned out amazing! This is the best picture I think I've taken yet, and I did it by closing my eyes and pointing at the sun because it was too bright to see! I thought it would be great to share!


I recently found out that my favourite country artist is coming to town this year, Brad Paisley I am a huge country fan. When I heard the announcement of his tour Ill admit, I teared up a bit! I was afraid I would not be able to get tickets, and I had been talking about wanting to see him for months and my dreams came true! He is coming with Chris Young who I admire as well! I've heard Brad Paisley is amazing live and I cannot wait to see him In concert, only about 143 days to go!

Daily Cre8te

It started off as a normal day, some fights, announcements, and some normal pre first period drama and gossip, but all of a sudden, while we are sitting in creative writing everyone in the hallway started to scatter, screaming in terror. The teacher ran outside to see the commotion that was taking place and than ran back in, white as a ghost and clearly distressed. She locked the door and sent us all to the corner. She grabbed the bat from behind her desk and stood by the large book case to her left, as far away from the door as possible. My 2 friends in I were huddled in the very back corner, smushed between bookshelf's. We could sacrifice our classmates to this unknown terror in the hallway. We soon realized it was the undead as they began to bang on our door and in the window, they had no luck with entry and continued on. My teacher peered out the door later and it appeared they were gone. She turned her back to the door and we heard the most horrifying, blood curtailing scream, and than silence. The jock in our class went our to investigate . He to came in pale and closed the door. He told us our teacher was now one of them. He grabbed the bar and stood in the centre of the door, armed and ready to protect us.

This is a daily create I wrote when were given the writing prompt that was "where would you be when a zombie apocalypse happened and what would you do".

Daily Cre8te

If I had 10 copies of myself, my 1st copy would sleep the entire day! I am so behind on sleep that I would do anything for my 1st copy to sleep. My second copy would be at school for me writing my quizzes, doing my assignments and going through my day to day tasks. My 3rd copy would go to work for me, so I do not have to. My 4th copy would fly to Hawaii and lay on the beach and get a fabulous tan. My 5th copy would be working out, to help me get my gym hours accomplished. My 6th would head to the states to shop all day! My 7th would volunteer at a nursing home! My 8th would just study for me, as you can never study to much. My 9th would clean my house as my mom would be so happy if I did this! My 10th would catch up on all of the tv I have missed! While all of my copies are out and about I would be at my grandparents house taking care of them, as that is my favourite place to be.

Reflection of The Buried Life book

I really enjoyed what I was able to read of the book : The Buried Life. It gave me a lot of incite as to why these crazy guys decided to do all of these crazy things! I was amazed to find out they were Canadian and it makes me love these guys even more. The idea that they were in a rut was shocking to me because they seem to be so out going and seem to have it all figured out! It really shows that these guys are real people going through things that we go through every day. It gave me a reason to write my own bucket list (aside from the fact that it was a project for me) and seeing others bucket list items really gave me inspiration in what I wanted to put on my own bucket list. Although I played my bucket list safe, really showcases my personality and the visuals (although not professional) really added to the impact of my list! 


                                                What do you want to do before you die?