Wednesday 3 April 2013


This is just a random thought, but as I am thinking, next year will be my grade 12 year, grad year, and final year of high school. All along I was excited to graduate, if anyone asked me if I was nervous about my future, or what would happen after high school I'd reply " I am more excited I can't wait to get out of high school, start a new leg of my life". But as I see my boyfriend go through his first year of university, I realize it isn't as glamorous as it seems. It is a lot more difficult, and a lot more stress than I originally thought. As my high school years are coming to a close I realize I'll find out who my true friends are, have to work a million times harder than I ever have, and balance school, work and bills which is all new to me. As I pick which university I want to go to, what I want to do with the rest of my life, and if I'll live on my own or not, I realize that I have a big obstacle ahead of me. I know I will get through all of the change, but thinking of it now scared me, high school flew by, I blinked and it was practically over so I hope my grad year slows down a bit so I can enjoy the time I have left in high school. Although I'm scared of the future, I think I am ready for what is to come! Bring it on!

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